Our vision and mission reflect our faith in humanity's collective wisdom. We believe it's time for a big change, and we also believe it can be achieved.

Preferred by Nature was created in 1994 as a part of the sustainability movement growing out of the 1992 Earth Summit. By implementing a variety of successful programmes over the years, we have learnt that problems are there to be solved, that the forces of change are powerful, and that it takes hard work, patience and perseverance to cause and sustain change. This learning from the past informs our current thinking and strategy.
Unless we adopt smart approaches, growing human populations are bound to lead to depletion of natural resources, widespread pollution and climate change.
To pass on the Earth to coming generations in a good shape, we must urgently invent and adopt more sustainable ways of living, sourcing and trading. The good news is that it can be done, and that the human race has the power to do it.
This is why our vision and mission are all about people.